Saturday, February 10, 2007

Dry and worthy

There is something about discussions on the topic of vaginas, in sober serious society which causes and creates the uncontrollable desire to snigger. I mean really, what sort of a feminist am I. Juvenile? Yes. Silly? Without doubt. Understandable? Most definitely.

One of my modules, Creative Non-fiction, started with a trawl around the room, everyone giving their idea for a non-fiction book. We had been out at the theatre the night before and there were a few sore heads around the table as many beers had been consumed after the performance and on the coach journey home. One of my class mates is planning a book about vaginal medical conditions, from a feminist perspective. A good book, one that needs to be written, an area that needs to be looked into.

See, it is not just me, is it? All discussions on the topic ring with double meaning.

It wasn't really unexpected that the room lost it when our tutor was quizzing our classmate about the content of her book. The tutor was worried that any book focused on medical conditions runs the risk of being stuffy and boring. She said, how are you going to stop it from being dry?

There was a silence, then one sniff and we all dissolved into giggles. We have got 15 weeks of trying to be a bit more grown up, goddamnit, ahead of us.

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